
We're here to help you! Send us a message or scroll to the bottom to find answers to the most-frequently asked questions!

We’ll try to deliver the answers you’re hungry for.

Contact us to discuss any subject. Our team will try to come back to you as soon as possible.
Chat on Instagram @trendit_app
5255 Avenue Decelles, Montréal
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Frequently asked questions

📈 How does the algorithm calculates scores ?

🤐 It's our secret! But it uses many variables, such as your friends, followings, previous participations, or location.

💵 Is it free for organizers ?

Trendit is 100% free for organizers for now ! We're currently focusing on offering value to you! Then we'll think about making some profits.

🔐 Is my data safe ?

We don't sell your data to third parties. Period.

😢 Does Trendit work without friends?

Yes ! But the algorithm will know you less, and your daily live-ranking may be less accurate...

💔 How do I cancel my account ?

Please fill-in the form above, and explain your reasons ! Our team will come back to you very soon with the confirmation. We're sorry we forgot to implement the feature inside the mobile app. We'll make an update soon. Oh and please don't go.